Tuesday, August 27, 2013

An Answered Prayer (A Love Story)

(I originally submitted this article to my friend's blog, A Match Made in Heaven, for her Featured Couple Love Stories in 2010. I am re-blogging the article (and editing some typo's) in this blog site to re-tell a Love Story I would never forget. A Love Story I would like to read over and over again. My husband and I's Love Story).


The right person comes at the right place...at the right time...when both your hearts are ready to be with each other...and with the blessings from God.

At the right place...

I attended the seminar training on 2006 at DLSU-SPACE (a school for short courses/training education) because I really wanted to take the course. Jay attended the same seminar training on the same scheduled date and place because he was required to attend but he was never excited to participate in the seminar. His motivation to attend was because he was courting his officemate who was also required to take the class. We both worked in different companies and we both had different purposes for being part of the seminar but our lives became unexpectedly connected because of it. We were just plain seminar classmates back then...but now, we are much more than just classmates for life.

At the right time...
The real love story didn't take place at the training seminar. Even though we were just plain classmates back then, we still didn't know each other until after the seminar. Well, Jay already knew that a certain "Vaneni" existed in the seminar crowd because I was one of the class' sanguines. Almost everybody knew me! Haha! I went out with one of his officemates (and a seminar classmate, as well) but it just lasted for few weeks. Jay was still courting the girl, but later on, his love offer was declined. We were both heartbroken and we understood each other's pain. Though we became friends because of the heartbreaks, there was still no spark between us, probably because we weren't ready enough to give love another try.

We continued as friends, mostly through texts. We even went out one time with his friend to watch a movie and we even dined out casually. But it was all friendship. Time came when I was suddenly feeling something for him but I tried to shield it because I was scared to be hurt again. All my former boyfriends dumped me for another girl and I couldn't think of myself being hurt like that again, especially that time when I knew Jay had totally fallen over that girl he courted. During the summer of 2007, while he was de-stressing in Boracay with his family, I told him that he could reflect on his love problem ...that if he truly loves that girl, then he should go and fight for her and I pray that he would be happy with his decision.

I prayed to God to make Jay happy, even if it means losing him for another girl. That was a selfless prayer that really came straight from my heart.

When Jay came back from Boracay, he texted me and asked if I wanted to see Spiderman 3 at IMAX, MOA (a famous moviehouse in a mall) because he knew that I had never been in IMAX before. Hmm...that was officially asking me out, wasn't it? We went out to watch that movie. And since then, we had been hanging out together.

That's when the spark suddenly lit up.

When both your hearts are ready to be with each other...

It was a Friday and Jay invited me to dine with him at Josephine Restaurant in Tagaytay City. I was not prepared to go in such a lovely restaurant because I was wearing a casual outfit (shirt and jeans!). But anyway, the food we ordered was great and I loved the mussels! In the middle of our meal, he told me that he liked me. He said that even though he had courted girls before, he had never mentioned it to them, that's why he was quite uneasy but looked very determined. After dinner, he drove me home and right at my doorstep he gave me a dozen of peach roses, with matching handwritten "Vaneni, I love you --Jay" on the card.

Do I need to say how I felt that time? Lovestrucked.

I gave him my yes, you can be my boyfriend answer at the night of his 28th birthday (I didn't have any gifts to give to him!). I'm not the first girl he courted in his life, but I'm proud to say I'm his first girlfriend. As for me, he's my...uhhh...nth boyfriend. But he's the boyfriend who never broke my heart.

And with the blessings from God...

Eversince when I was in college, my sign for the right one was the guy who would give me pink roses, because it's my favorite. Nobody from my former boyfriends' gave me even a petal of it. But when Jay and were celebrating our 3rd monthsary dining at a Japanese restaurant in Market Market, Taguig City, he surprised me by handling me 13 pink roses! (Our monthsary was 13th of the month). I was shocked not because the bouquet looked bigger than me, but because I remembered that I prayed for that sign from God. Jay swore he never knew of that sign, he just thought of surprising me with pink roses. I was so delighted and happy. The right one finally came. I feel so blessed.

I believe that God answers prayers, as long as he knew it was right for you. Jay and I had lots of heartbreaks experienced before but I believe that God gave us the pain to mold us into person who we are right now and to prepare us for the right love.

Jay and I got married on 2009. We now have a sweet darling daughter. We juggle family and career in everyday of lives, but still manage to keep the spark between us...the love and the feeling of being the right one for each other.

Cheers for a forever marriage and love!

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