Tuesday, September 17, 2013

An Answer to a Friend's Question: "Do you love him?"

"Do you love him?"

One of our common friends asked me this question way back when my husband, Jay, and I were still in a boyfriend-girlfriend status.  I do not actually know the reason why he asked it, maybe because he knew that both of us were having relationship troubles before we got together.  I was left hanging in the air by my former boyfriend (and later I found out that he was already dating another girl) and my husband was feeling rejected by the girl he was courting.  Maybe our common friend just wanted to make sure that Jay and I are being together for the right reasons.

So, I answered him through my Friendster blog.  But since blogs in Friendster are already gone, I'd be happy to share to you my answers in this blog.

Enjoy reading!


"Do you love him?"

Yes, I do.  I love Jay.  No hesitations.  No doubt.  No regrets.  How would you know if you really love a person?  Do you feel it or do you decide on it?  Is it supposed to come from the heart or from the head? I had this belief before that love is both a feeling and a decision.  But when Jay came along, I realized that love is more than a result of emotion and rationalization.  Love is a complete celebration of another  being's personhood.  It is wholeheartedly bringing out the best in one person.  It is being an inspiration for someone to reach his or her dreams.  It is God's instrument to provide hope, joy, and endless faith, not only for yourself, but for someone else.  It is being happy for another person's happiness, even though it means you're not a part of it, because you know that in the end, you would be happy anyway.

Love is not all about "me".  But mostly about "him' or "her".